A trusted commerical marine service.

Marine sector specialists
Al Saqer Marine was formed to support the construction and supervision of specialised vessels in the marine sector.

The founder of the company with over 20 years’ experience in the marine sector identified further key market segments that they wanted to deliver reliable support and build on a solid regional reputation from previous roles in the industry.
Through its partnership with key providers in the region, Al Saqer marine is proud of its strong client focus and long-term relationships. Through these partnerships Al Saqer Marine, work with their clients to produce quality workmanship and deliver projects in an efficient and professional manner.
Vessel Charter
We currently have available directly within the company.
Diesel powered RHIB vessels 6.5m in length outfitted with the latest navigation and communication equipment’s.
These vessels have been modified so that they can comfortably carry a 2-man scuba replacement surface supplied diver spread complete with communications system and video system.
They could also be used as a ROV support vessel for the Company owned ROV system with SEA DRONE INSPECTOR 3.
Al Saqer marine can also develop through its partnerships Tugs, Barges, Multicats, supply vessels, landing crafts and lift boats for your charter needs. Al Saqer marine uses standard BIMCO form charter parties for its contracts and are happy to discuss your charter needs and provide interesting solutions.

Aqua Rise III
Designed and built by
Al Saqer Marine Locomotives

Commercial vessel Support
Al Saqer marine can also offer the supervision and project management of Dry dock services for commercial vessels from Crew boats, tugs and up to Jack up lift boat type vessels. Our company over the years has provided client representative services in multiple dry dock yards in the middle east for vessel repair and class requirements to meet project needs of charter preparation and normal vessel husbandry.
Our team can support your company in Flag state and class modification requirements for new legislation compliance services and guide companies with supplier selection for equipment sourcing and integration.
Our experienced team can also be called on to complete vessel audits to end user requirements at competitive rates and produce gap analysis reports for corrective actions to meet project requirements.
Market segments which al Saqer marine have added to its delivery are.
Yacht rigging
Architectural rigging
Mooring ropes and Rope supply services
Vessel charter
Vessel construction consultation and supervision
Dry dock vessel management and consultation
ROV services